Blog Assignment: The Doorway to Professional Learning Communities

I have evaluated numerous blog sites in means of finding three that are appealing, helpful, and enlightening concerning instructional design and training. Below you will find three blog sites links that I considered to be of interest and knowledgeable.

I really like this blog site,, as it appears to have information concerning what everybody should know about Instructional Design. I found this article appealing because I have no experience in Instruction Design, yet I am interested in this field. At first glance, I was attracted to the information indicated in this blog. It also provided a video illustrating the value of Instructional Design. This blog also recommends other resources such as designing the right course, PowerPoint for E-learning, etc. to explore further that look interesting and I think will provide helpful information in understanding Instructional Design. You will also find useful quotes highlighted to draw the reader attention in understanding the attributes of an Instructional Designer. I actually consider this site to be very influential and will help steer me in the right direction in my career.

Another blog, , I found to be intriguing because this blog provided diverse information that I found to help in understanding goals in succeeding as an Instructional Designer. In other words, this blog hosts a great diversity of content links organize by topic. However, one article in this blog that I found to be more important was Instructional Designers as beginners. I found this article interesting because I feel it pertain to me because I will be a beginner in Instructional Design. This blog provided information or per say theories that every beginner Instructional Designer should be familiar with. You will discover other tools that will motivate new designers to look within themselves for methods to enhance them in handling all types of situations. For someone with no Instructional Design experience, I found the facts in this blog to be stimulating and valuable for future endeavors. Overall, I found this site to be constructive due to the quantity of data obtainable in one place. Therefore, I will constantly refer back to this site to help me pursue my goal.

The third and final blog,, inspired me because it identified the qualities of an ideal Instructional Designer. An ideal Instructional Designer is my goal. I feel that this blog was developed powerfully to assist individuals like me who are starting out in this field from an instructive point of view. I found this site to be useful due to information provided in ensuring that one will know what it takes to be a successful Instructional Designer. I feel that this site will be very useful to me all through my assignments, and career because of the important information or tips provided to ensure that I be a successful Instructional Designer.

2 thoughts on “Blog Assignment: The Doorway to Professional Learning Communities

  1. I really enjoyed the blogs that you reviewed and blogged about. I am already subscribe to the Rapid E-Learning Blog hosted by Tom Kuhlmann and i find that he does bring a vast amount of great ideas to his site. I have used many of them in my Articulate presentations at work. The Upside Learning blog is one that I have not seen and just from a brief reading of some of the articles it found it to be a valuable resource and added it to my aggregator. I will refer to it for both my academic and professional activities. The eLearning coach is a blog site that I considered for this assignment, but I have to narrow it down and I couldn’t get it below four sites. It made it to the final cut, though and I did add it my aggregator.

    Thank you for your contributions, I know that I have gain something from it.


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